From Where I Stand

We're failing to hold the British media to account

We're failing to hold the British media to account

From Where I Stand — It took eight months for The Times to be held accountable for a series of front pages which may well have whipped up Islamophobia. Punishments must be harsher else nothing will change, writes Dawn Foster. Hidden apologies just aren't good enough.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Even £50 million won’t make a new centrist party relevant

Even £50 million won’t make a new centrist party relevant

From Where I Stand — Simon Franks has clubbed together with some other super rich people to start a new political party. It's a vanity project without a policy or support from a movement, writes Matt Zarb-Cousin, and it is destined to fail.

Written by: Matt Zarb-Cousin

To tackle bigotry, Labour won’t take lessons from the right

To tackle bigotry, Labour won’t take lessons from the right

From Where I Stand — Labour is not immune from the prejudice that permeates our society, writes Dawn Foster, but the left can do better than take advice from the likes of UKIP and the Tories - just look at their track records.

Written by: Dawn Foster

'Moderate' Labour MPs have hurt our anti-Semitism fight

'Moderate' Labour MPs have hurt our anti-Semitism fight

From Where I Stand — Last week it felt like we were making progress with tackling anti-Semitism in Labour, writes Rhea Wolfson. And then certain people had to go and ruin it.

Written by: Rhea Wolfson

The cure to 'left-wing' anti-Semitism is political education

The cure to 'left-wing' anti-Semitism is political education

From Where I Stand — The past week has exposed some uncomfortable realities within the labour movement. A handful of self-proclaimed progressives peddle anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, while a larger number are simply ignorant and unaware. The answer, writes Owen Jones, lies in serious political education.

Written by: Owen Jones

Jeremy Corbyn is no anti-Semite, but he did fuck up

Jeremy Corbyn is no anti-Semite, but he did fuck up

From Where I Stand — Anti-Semitism in our society needs tackling head on, writes Michael Segalov. The left has a proud history of fighting racism and bigotry, and anyone blindly defending Corbyn's Facebook post is part of the problem.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The Premier League protests are a working class revolt

The Premier League protests are a working class revolt

From Where I Stand — Football fans are revolting across the country, writes Matt Zarb-Cousin, and they're determined to put people and not profit at the heart of the beautiful game.

Written by: Matt Zarb-Cousin

Revisiting Cynthia Nixon’s contentious views on sexuality

Revisiting Cynthia Nixon’s contentious views on sexuality

‘Being gay is a choice’ — As the former Sex And The City star enters the race for New York Governor, writer Aimée Lutkin examines her complicated relationship with bisexuality, the public eye, and the LGBTQ community.

Written by: Aimée Lutkin

The Tories are playing a dangerous game with Russia

The Tories are playing a dangerous game with Russia

From Where I Stand — After the tragic attack on Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, Jeremy Corbyn was criticised for demanding ‘a decisive and proportionate response’. But the Tories’ grandstanding risks sending us back into the Cold War.

Written by: Dawn Foster

English lessons aren’t enough to fix our fractured society

English lessons aren’t enough to fix our fractured society

From Where I Stand — Tory MP Sajid Javid wants to spend £50m on ESOL lessons to help immigrants feel more integrated. While that might seem like a positive move, he’s ignoring some much bigger problems.

Written by: Jude Wanga

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