From Where I Stand

What #AlexFromGlasto shows us about race in the UK

What #AlexFromGlasto shows us about race in the UK

Black and white — After being plucked from the crowd at Glastonbury to rap alongside Dave, the teen became a national treasure – but would it have happened if he was black?

Written by: Jeffrey Boakye

There is no such thing as a ‘good landlord’

There is no such thing as a ‘good landlord’

The system is broken — Our engorged property market – and the ensuing housing crisis – has become a cornerstone of the British economy. Those who actively profit from it shouldn’t be absolved.

Written by: Tristan Cross

The Slumflower is a small part of a much bigger problem

The Slumflower is a small part of a much bigger problem

The trouble with pop feminism — Chidera Eggerue has come under fire for pushing a brand of feminism that claims not to care about men, yet also seems intensely obsessed with them. But she isn’t alone.

Written by: Esmé Ara’resa

Stormzy has made me proud to be a black Cambridge graduate

Stormzy has made me proud to be a black Cambridge graduate

Time for change — With his scholarship, the London rapper isn’t just paying for the recipient’s tuition – he’s showing a whole generation of young, black students that Oxbridge could be an option for them.

Written by: Alex Mistlin

In football, multiculturalism only works when you win

In football, multiculturalism only works when you win

The World Cup fallout — As a diverse French team lifted the World Cup trophy, it would have been easy to declare international football as the pinnacle of multiculturalism and tolerance. However, according to German footballer Mesut Özil, “immigrants” are only accepted when the going is good.

Written by: Benjamin Cook

Is this finally the end for Boris Johnson?

Is this finally the end for Boris Johnson?

Goodbye, farewell — With his blustered resignation and attacks on Sadiq Khan, the former foreign secretary has exposed himself – revealing a hypocritical, lazy and self-absorbed man with absolutely no ability to lead.

Written by: Dawn Foster

To be truly inclusive, Pride must solve its identity crisis

To be truly inclusive, Pride must solve its identity crisis

From Where I Stand — On both sides of the Atlantic, the LGBTQ+ community is divided about the purpose of Pride celebrations in 2018. Justin Myers (aka The Guyliner) explores why, and offers a solution to the community's widespread discontent.

Written by: Justin Myers

Heathrow’s expansion spells disaster for politics & the planet

Heathrow’s expansion spells disaster for politics & the planet

From Where I Stand — The vote for a third runway at Heathrow puts both the planet and the progressive left at risk, writes Ellie Mae O'Hagan. You can't build socialism on a dead planet.

Written by: Ellie Mae O’Hagan

On trans rights, Labour is on the right side of history

On trans rights, Labour is on the right side of history

From Where I Stand — By explicitly stating that trans women should be included on all women Labour shortlists, this progressive movement is ensuring that trans people are treated with respect and dignity. This, writes Dawn Foster, is a victory worth celebrating.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Has Mumsnet become a hub of online transphobia?

Has Mumsnet become a hub of online transphobia?

From Where I Stand — Parenting site Mumsnet, founded as a place of support, has become abundant with threads about trans people’s rights - as if they are up for debate. The website, says former employee Hannah Woodhead, has a responsibility to step in and call this what it is: transphobia.

Written by: Hannah Woodhead

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