
What 2022 meant for trans rights in the UK

What 2022 meant for trans rights in the UK

Fight for liberation — We look back on a year that saw solidarity and strength in the face of huge blows to the trans community.

Written by: Caleb Howard

Why we should fear the Tories’ fresh attacks on protest

Why we should fear the Tories’ fresh attacks on protest

Police state — As the Public Order Bill returns to Parliament today, activists and campaigners are sounding the alarm over what they’re calling a rollback of human rights.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The history of the Poll Tax and the power of direct action

The history of the Poll Tax and the power of direct action

Can‘t pay, won‘t pay — As a campaign calling on Britons to refuse payment of their energy bills this winter gains momentum, writer Ella Glover looks back at the victory of the mass non-payment movement that inspired it.

Written by: Ella Glover

New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

Cruel system — Proposals to introduce a minimum GCSE threshold for student loans will disproportionately affect those from marginalised backgrounds, reports Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover

Thousands protest in London over the cost of living crisis

Thousands protest in London over the cost of living crisis

‘Tories out!‘ — With inflation now at a 40-year-high of 9 per cent, demonstrations organised by TUC took place to demand action from the government.

Written by: Huck

Thousands attend silent walk to mark 5 years since Grenfell

Thousands attend silent walk to mark 5 years since Grenfell

Justice for the 72 — On the fifth anniversary of the tower fire, around 18,000 joined the walk to remember the 72 dead and to demand justice.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The devastating impact of Prevent in schools

The devastating impact of Prevent in schools

‘I felt interrogated’ — As the government reviews its ‘anti-terror’ programme, the plight of young Muslims suffering as a result of racist policy only looks set to worsen.

Written by: Nadeine Asbali

Why young people are giving up on saving for the future

Why young people are giving up on saving for the future

‘Life’s too short‘ — Amid a cost of living crisis and accelerating climate breakdown, many young adults are now wondering: is there any point in saving for the future?

Written by: Eve Upton-Clark

Junk food is not the problem

Junk food is not the problem

Eton mess — Shifting the focus from the cost of living crisis to tackling obesity while many starve or freeze is farcical and pointless, writes Fatzine founder Gina Tonic.

Written by: Gina Tonic

Why the Tories want to rip up our human rights

Why the Tories want to rip up our human rights

Power grab — The government is scrapping the Human Rights Act in a move that will hit marginalised people hardest.

Written by: Martha Spurrier

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