Theresa May

The return of the fox hunt and our demented aristocracy’s obsession with death

The return of the fox hunt and our demented aristocracy’s obsession with death

From Where I Stand — Of course Theresa May has pledged her allegiance to fox hunting, the ruling-class are reasserting their power in the most deranged, blood-thirsty way they know how.

Written by: Sam Kriss

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

*Withheld number* — General Elections are pretty tedious, especially when the Conservative Party looks set for a landslide. Heydon Prowse decided to prank call some politicians because, well, why not?

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

From Where I Stand — Theresa May won't stop banging on about 'strong and stable leadership' in this general election, but her vision of strength and stability is the last thing the United Kingdom needs. We're no longer a country of empire, it's time we pick a leader who reflects that.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Theresa May has just called a UK general election

Theresa May has just called a UK general election

We're going to the polls — In an unexpected statement outside Downing Street, the Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a snap general election for 8 June 2017.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

From Where I Stand — When Scotland rejected independence in 2014, it was a national fear of instability that allowed unionism to prevail. Then Brexit happened, and another referendum on Scotland's future is on the cards. But is radically progressive Scottish nationalism a paradox? A Schrödinger's cat that means all things to all people?

Written by: James Butler

Gay people are still being locked up in Britain. What use is this pardon to them?

Gay people are still being locked up in Britain. What use is this pardon to them?

From Where I Stand — Before you celebrate this government for pardoning dead white gay men of now legal same-sex activity, remember tonight they'll be deporting a gay Nigerian man to a country where it's illegal and dangerous to be gay. And this happens all the time.

Written by: Shon Faye

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

From Where I Stand — In her long-awaited Brexit speech, many hoped Theresa May would lay out a roadmap for Britain finding its new place in the world. But James Butler argues the only direction we're heading in is towards Theresa-land: a shit, sunless, drizzling Cayman Islands, with Piers Morgan on daytime TV.

Written by: James Butler

Pardoning gay men is no excuse for this government's homophobia

Pardoning gay men is no excuse for this government's homophobia

From Where I Stand — The decision to pardon gay men in Britain who'd once been found guilty of homophobic and now defunct sexual offences means nothing while this government continues to let the LGBT community down.

Written by: Michael Segalov

A post-Brexit spike in homophobic hate crime? It's a part of 'taking back control'

A post-Brexit spike in homophobic hate crime? It's a part of 'taking back control'

From Where I Stand — When reports surfaced earlier this week of a spike in homophobic hate crime after Brexit, to many the link made little sense. James Butler argues that in fact taking back control was never just about the European Union, but clawing back society to a distant, oppressive past.

Written by: James Butler

Research finds majority of UK MPs now support medical marijuana use

Research finds majority of UK MPs now support medical marijuana use

Is legalisation in sight? — A poll conducted by innovative drugs pressure group VolteFace finds overwhelming cross-party support for the legalisation of medical marijuana in the UK House of Commons.

Written by: Alex King

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