Social Media

The new, extremely online era of Christianity

The new, extremely online era of Christianity

Hashtag blessed — At a time when fewer young people are religious than ever before, we talk to millennial worshippers about what draws them to church, and whether faith and progressiveness are mutually exclusive.

Written by: Jennifer Hahn

Why you need 35,000 followers to see this artist’s show

Why you need 35,000 followers to see this artist’s show

On my level — Wizard Skull’s latest New York exhibition has divided audiences – is it a clever commentary on exclusivity and social media culture, or a provocative waste of time?

Written by: Jonathan Turton

What our online history can tell us about who we are

What our online history can tell us about who we are

New Romantics — Our social media experiences reveal a lot about who we are, how we communicate, and what we want to say. Understanding them could help us connect to each other better, writes Emily Reynolds.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

Romantic storytelling & the way we perform love online

Romantic storytelling & the way we perform love online

New Romantics — Telling a story with ourselves at the centre is the way that we make sense of the world, writes Emily Reynolds. But when we tell this story to an audience we don’t quite know, it cheapens everything.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

How Tumblr became a sanctuary for the Internet’s outsiders

How Tumblr became a sanctuary for the Internet’s outsiders

End of an era — The blogging website’s ban on adult content threatens to alienate the most marginalised in society, and block future generations’ road to self-discovery.

Written by: Lydia Morrish

Neville Southall tackles... The toxicity of Twitter

Neville Southall tackles... The toxicity of Twitter

Neville Knows Best — In his column 'Neville Knows Best', footballing legend turned internet sensation Neville Southall takes on the biggest issues of our time. This week, he reflects on his time on Twitter - from the trolls and the insults to learning about and supporting some of the most marginalised groups in society.

Written by: Neville Southall

Want to see who has blocked you on social media? Get a grip

Want to see who has blocked you on social media? Get a grip

Welcome to the pity party — With a loophole on Grindr now being exploited by users looking to see who has blocked them, Justin Myers takes a look at our unhealthy obsession with confronting our online haters and engaging with their irrelevant minds.

Written by: Justin Myers

How Instagram stories became a lifeline for my mental health

How Instagram stories became a lifeline for my mental health

Embracing every emotion — Constantly updating statuses and sharing pictures is having an impact on our generation, but I found comfort in creating Instagram stories while embracing the beauty of their transience.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Should we really judge people for the racist things they said as kids?

Should we really judge people for the racist things they said as kids?

From Where I Stand — We all said stupid things as children. And thanks to social media, our generation has left a permanent mark for the first time. But is it right that words posted naively as teenagers on social media should be used to tarnish them years later?

Written by: Michael Segalov

Capturing the world around us from above

Capturing the world around us from above

Dronescapes — Dronescapes explores the brand new world of drone photographers using distance to offer a new perspective on the world around us.

Written by: Biju Belinky

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