
Exploitative property guardianships are on the rise

Exploitative property guardianships are on the rise

People before profit — As inflation soars, companies are increasingly pushing guardianships as an affordable alternative – all while doubling their prices and allowing living conditions to deteriorate.

Written by: Clara Murray

Student renters are getting scammed out of their deposits

Student renters are getting scammed out of their deposits

The great swindle — Rogue landlords are exploiting young and inexperienced renters and leaving them in mental and financial turmoil, reports Niall Hignett.

Written by: Niall Hignett

Trellick Tower residents are still fighting to save their home

Trellick Tower residents are still fighting to save their home

Housing justice — As the iconic brutalist building turns 50, community members are banding together to prevent new threats to the tower and its surrounding area.

Written by: Shelby Wilder

The UK’s callous government is leaving people homeless

The UK’s callous government is leaving people homeless

Broken system — A new investigation reveals that people in dire financial straits are losing their homes in a matter of minutes because of a legal system that has failed to account for the catastrophic impact of the pandemic.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Can a renters union really help you take on your landlord?

Can a renters union really help you take on your landlord?

Fighting back, together — Across the country, landlords, letting agencies and tenant management companies are being challenged – and beaten – by grassroots organisers.

Written by: Ethan Shone

Anger over unaffordable homes isn't self-entitlement, us renters are treated like shit

Anger over unaffordable homes isn't self-entitlement, us renters are treated like shit

From Where I Stand — Too often we're told by the generation before us, who benefited from the housing boom, that we should stop complaining. But Abi Wilkinson argues that feeling angry that owning a home is nothing more than an impossible pipe-dream isn't self-entitlement, it's the reality of living in a country that treats renters so awfully.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

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