Pussy Riot

The story of the Russian activist who nailed his scrotum to Red Square

The story of the Russian activist who nailed his scrotum to Red Square

Flames of resistance — Pussy Riot’s Nadya Tolokonnikova threw down a gauntlet in 2012, but it’s been picked up by flame-throwing performance artist Pyotr Pavlensky. The Moscow City Court will this week consider an appeal against his sentence, after he was found guilty of setting fire to the Moscow headquarters of the Federal Security Service (FSB). Huck headed to Moscow to hear Pyotr’s story in person, while he sat in prison, from the two people who best understand his elaborately defiant acts.

Written by: Natalia Antonova

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

A life of punk protest — We've all watched the videos, we've seen the pictures of Pussy Riot taking on the Russian state on our screens. For Maria Alyokhina though, a life of challenging the status quo, and paying for the consequences, had started many years before. Sam Williams meets Alyokhina in London, as she performs in a new play, Burning Doors.

Written by: Sam Williams

Living on a knife-edge with Savages: a band confronting apathy head-on

Living on a knife-edge with Savages: a band confronting apathy head-on

Sticking to your guns in a climate of unrest — London’s fiercest post-punk group won’t tell anyone what to think... but they do have one code to live by: ‘Be Involved. Don’t just leave politics to other people.’

Written by: Jade Bremner

The Defiance Issue

The Defiance Issue

Out Now — This year Huck is all about attitude. The energy, emotions and lenses on life that create connections across the divide. The Defiance Issue traces a jagged line across the globe, picking up voices of rebellion along the way.

Written by: HUCK HQ

In Pictures: Behind the scenes of Pussy Riot’s new video, 'Chaika'

In Pictures: Behind the scenes of Pussy Riot’s new video, 'Chaika'

Anti-corruption hip hop — Pussy Riot suit up as Russia’s chief prosecutor for their new music video criticising the country’s corrupt elite. Photographer Denis Sinyakov was at the shoot, documenting the anti-Kremlin punks' latest project.

Written by: Joshua Gabert-Doyon

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