
Another royal baby? This privileged third child will get benefits but ours won't

Another royal baby? This privileged third child will get benefits but ours won't

From Where I Stand — Will and Kate are having a third baby, and unlike the rest of us they’ll be entitled to plenty of benefits for their spoilt third sprog.

Written by: Michael Segalov

L'Oréal firing Munroe Bergdorf isn't championing diversity, it's centring white fragility

L'Oréal firing Munroe Bergdorf isn't championing diversity, it's centring white fragility

From Where I Stand — Munroe Bergdorf this week made history, becoming L'Oréal's first transgender model. Now they have fired her simply for speaking out about racism, and it's a disgrace, explains Travis Alabanza.

Written by: Travis Alabanza

I agree with Laura Pidcock – Tory MPs aren't friendship material

I agree with Laura Pidcock – Tory MPs aren't friendship material

From Where I Stand — Newly elected Labour MP Laura Pidcock hit the headlines this week when she said she didn't want to hang out with Tory women in Parliament. The criticism raised against her misunderstands both the role of Conservative politicians and the fundamentals of friendship, argues Abi Wilkinson.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

The Tories tried to launch a right-wing Momentum and it's just embarrassing

The Tories tried to launch a right-wing Momentum and it's just embarrassing

From Where I Stand — Activate? More like absolute_state.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Pride is a protest, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Pride is a protest, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

From Where I Stand — After the arrest of five protesters in Glasgow Pride this weekend, it is important to remember that the fight for LGBTQ rights must not be commodified and repackaged for the sake of mainstream comfort.

Written by: Biju Belinky

Are left-wing sexists really worse than right?

Are left-wing sexists really worse than right?

From Where I Stand — On Saturday, Labour MP Jess Phillips declared that “well-meaning Left-wing men” were actually the “worst sexists.” Megan Nolan explains why that will never be the case.

Written by: Megan Nolan

Trump has reminded LGBT people how fragile our rights really are

Trump has reminded LGBT people how fragile our rights really are

From Where I Stand — His banning of trans people from serving in the US military is a wakeup call: The fight for our freedoms is far from over.

Written by: Michael Segalov

'Death here and promises of more': On police brutality and the fight we must win

'Death here and promises of more': On police brutality and the fight we must win

From Where I Stand — This weekend 20-year-old Rashan Charles was killed by police in Hackney. It's hard to swallow the idea that Britain is a 'post-racial' utopia when black bodies meet their end on our streets.

Written by: Otamere Guobadia

If Corbyn's Labour wants to call itself pro-worker, it must be proudly pro-migrant too

If Corbyn's Labour wants to call itself pro-worker, it must be proudly pro-migrant too

From Where I Stand — The press might be hyping up an off the cuff remark from Corbyn about migration hurting workers, but Labour must stick to a principled, pro-migrant stance, argues Eleanor Penny.

Written by: Eleanor Penny

I worked in the government for years – now I’m an anarchist

I worked in the government for years – now I’m an anarchist

‘The system isn’t working’ — After a long and successful career as a British diplomat, Carne Ross suffered a crisis of faith. Here, he discusses the dangers of our current political order.

Written by: Carne Ross

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