
How to save the world, with George Monbiot

How to save the world, with George Monbiot

‘We have to seize back power’ — The world’s in trouble – so what can we do? In a new series, we ask some of the world’s most notable activists for practical tips on how to make a tangible difference – starting with writer and environmentalist George Monbiot.

Written by: Niall Flynn

Young Londoners shoot the issues that matter to them

Young Londoners shoot the issues that matter to them

Teen dreams — As a young person, it often feels like you don’t have a voice. However, a new exhibition seeks to change that, providing a platform for teenage photographers to tackle subjects from identity to homelessness.

Written by: Niall Flynn

Good news! There’s a new skate bowl in central London

Good news! There’s a new skate bowl in central London

You can now shred in Selfridges — Created by sports and lifestyle agency Mighty Mighty, the bowl, which is located in the Selfridges store on Oxford Street, operates as a literal embodiment of skate’s entanglement with the fashion world.

Written by: Huck

It’s time Britain confronted its racist, oppressive past

It’s time Britain confronted its racist, oppressive past

No more half-truths — The British education curriculum champions racists, reinforces stereotypes, and deliberately erases the experiences of minorities throughout history. Until we confront this uncomfortable reality, Black History Month feels like a waste of time.

Written by: Kemi Alemoru

Six photographers shoot the art of craftsmanship

Six photographers shoot the art of craftsmanship

Macallan Masters — Magnum photographers – including Martin Parr and Alec Soth – come together to capture the construction of the new Macallan Distillery in Speyside, Scotland, shooting the awe-inspiring build over the course of three years.

Written by: HUCK HQ

U.S. launches crackdown on international tax evasion

U.S. launches crackdown on international tax evasion

Are the Panama Papers forcing change? — The White House announces Barack Obama is taking executive action to close tax loopholes. But does it go far enough?

Written by: Alex King

The Bristol Cable: A community-run newspaper holding power to account

The Bristol Cable: A community-run newspaper holding power to account

Taking back the media — The Bristol Cable is a media co-operative shaking up local news with hard-hitting investigative journalism.

Written by: Alex King

How radical publishers in Hong Kong are pissing off the Chinese government

How radical publishers in Hong Kong are pissing off the Chinese government

Disappearing booksellers and sex scandals — The strange story of Mighty Current publishing takes another turn, as UK national Lee Bo becomes the fifth employee to go missing.

Written by: Josh Gabert-Doyon

Zain Raza’s AcTVism news network confronts powerful governments and corporations

Zain Raza’s AcTVism news network confronts powerful governments and corporations

Speaking truth to power — As founder of independent news network, AcTVism Munich, Zain Raza dedicates himself to providing the public with information powerful interests don’t want you to know.

Written by: Rhian Jones

So you want to start your own country?

So you want to start your own country?

Micronations of the world, unite — Liberland is the latest micronation to declare its independence. Huck looks at how other self-declared countries have fared after deciding to go it alone.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

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