Michael Segalov

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

From where I stand — This summer, the UK Labour Party will see another leadership election, but new members of the party are having their right to vote taken away unless they fork out a large sum of cash, and it's a disgrace.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Hip-hop has always been the voice of the streets, but now you're finally listening

Hip-hop has always been the voice of the streets, but now you're finally listening

Vince Staples digs deep — Vince Staples makes music about what matters: racism, inequality, the daily struggle of just getting by. Despite this, Vince says he's not making music that's political, as far as he sees it it's just common sense.

Written by: Michael Segalov

We Cry Real Tears: As LGBT people, we're still fighting for our safe havens

We Cry Real Tears: As LGBT people, we're still fighting for our safe havens

From where I stand — The Orlando massacre has thrown a community into mourning, but the reality is LGBT people face violence and oppression everyday.

Written by: Michael Segalov

London's DIY drag night that's taking the world by storm

London's DIY drag night that's taking the world by storm

The woman behind the party — After eight years of outrage and counting, Sink The Pink's infamous parties are legendary around the globe. We spoke to Amy Redmond, Sink The Pink co-founder, about their DIY beginnings and queering the London scene.

Written by: Michael Segalov

From Selma to Stardust: Steve Schapiro on shooting the heroes of our time

From Selma to Stardust: Steve Schapiro on shooting the heroes of our time

A life in pictures — Photographer Steve Schapiro has spent decades shooting moments that made history. Ahead of his latest exhibition - Heroes - in London, he reflects on a lifetime capturing the people who changed the world.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Huck Reports: Saying No To Coal

Huck Reports: Saying No To Coal

Here and No Further — In the latest Huck film, we head to Proschim in Germany where thousands of climate activists have gathered from across Europe and beyond, to try and shut down one of Europe's biggest and dirtiest coal mines. After last year's protest ended with mass arrests and violent clashes with the police, Huck joins them on the frontline of the fight against global warming.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Pageantry, pomp and politics in North Korea

Pageantry, pomp and politics in North Korea

A once in a generation congress — This weekend North Korea will see the ruling Workers' Party of Korea's Seventh Congress - the first event of its kind for over 30 years. There'll be parading soldiers and crowds galore, but there's a lot going on beneath the surface. We asked an expert what it all means.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Anti-Semitism is not anti-Zionism and it's time we all accept it

Anti-Semitism is not anti-Zionism and it's time we all accept it

From where I stand — It’s time we talked about anti-Semitism - and not just on the British left. When anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are branded together, the consequences are dangerous.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Londoners held a die in as air pollution is killing us all

Londoners held a die in as air pollution is killing us all

Struggling to breathe — Air pollution levels are dangerously high, and thousands of people are dying. Last night campaigners in London shut down a street outside the Department of Transport, to call on the government to take action.

Written by: Michael Segalov

For desperate refugees this small Greek village is Europe's impenetrable final frontier

For desperate refugees this small Greek village is Europe's impenetrable final frontier

Inside Idomeni — Sat close to Greece's border with Macedonia is Idomeni, a small village that's currently the temporary home to thousands of refugees. Photographer Gus Palmer reports from the ground.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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