Labour Party

Coats out, votes out: how to survive the final push

Coats out, votes out: how to survive the final push

Six days to save the country — With just days left to change the country, writer Dawn Foster shares her tips on making a difference (and looking good while doing it).

Written by: Dawn Foster

The police have banned Huck's News Editor from doing his job

The police have banned Huck's News Editor from doing his job

An affront to press freedom — Huck’s News Editor Michael Segalov has been refused security clearance to attend Labour Party Conference by the police despite having no criminal record, and they’re refusing to tell us why.

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

From Where I Stand — Jeremy Corbyn critics in Westminster have long said he is unelectable. But now, as a general election gets underway, it's finally clear that its his politics that some Labour MPs want to fight against. It's a kamikaze mission that cannot end well.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Ken Loach’s advice for young filmmakers

Ken Loach’s advice for young filmmakers

A voice of resistance — Ken Loach has been a singular force in British filmmaking for over 50 years: exposing injustice, standing up for the marginalised and fighting the powers that be. Now he's made his angriest film yet.

Written by: Cian Traynor

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

From Where I Stand — Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has argued today that young Labour members are being strong armed into supporting Jeremy Corbyn and his policies by older party members. As a young person who joined Labour to support left-wing policies, it's a patronising assessment that's far from correct.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

From where I stand — This summer, the UK Labour Party will see another leadership election, but new members of the party are having their right to vote taken away unless they fork out a large sum of cash, and it's a disgrace.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Saviour or Satan: Why so many people are joining the UK Labour Party right now

Saviour or Satan: Why so many people are joining the UK Labour Party right now

Should Jez stay or should he go? — Just minuted after the results from the EU referendum been announced, a coup was brewing inside the UK Labour Party. The majority of Labour MPs have had enough of Jeremy Corbyn, the newly-elected left-wing leader who still commands the support of vast swathes of the party nationwide. With a leadership contest on the very near horizon, some 100,000 people had joined Labour since the vote, desperate to have their say.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The Corbyn Dare: The Labour leader still has game

The Corbyn Dare: The Labour leader still has game

Can we, Jez? — Jeremy Corbyn may have been elected as Labour leader with the biggest mandate in British party political history, but that hasn't stopped his colleagues in Parliament trying to take him out. Richard Seymour argues that this is a well planned coup, an attack on the progressive politics Corbyn and his supporters stand for, and must be resisted at all costs.

Written by: Richard Seymour

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