How Section 28 birthed today’s gay rights movement

How Section 28 birthed today’s gay rights movement

A new book from Paul Baker traces the legislation’s tumultuous history and the lasting impact its had on LGBTQ+ activism today.

Written by: Leeza Isaeva

The Huck List: 20 for 2021

The Huck List: 20 for 2021

Hell Of A Year — We’re celebrating the inspiring individuals and activist groups who’ve been building a better future in 2021.

Written by: Huck

It‘s a Sin’s Nathaniel Hall on the reality of living with HIV

It‘s a Sin’s Nathaniel Hall on the reality of living with HIV

Fighting stigma — We sat down on our Instagram channel with actor and activist Nathaniel Hall, who contracted HIV at age 16, to discuss the Channel 4 drama and how, after years of keeping it secret, he came to live openly and boldly with the disease.

Written by: HUCK HQ

‘It‘s a Sin’ taught me I need to confront shame as a gay man

‘It‘s a Sin’ taught me I need to confront shame as a gay man

Unhealed wounds — Russell T. Davies’ drama is a potent reminder of the suffocating self-loathing gay men endured during the AIDS crisis. It should also be a call to arms as a new generation of LGBTQ+ people struggle to find acceptance, writes Politics Editor, Ben Smoke.

Written by: Ben Smoke

We mustn’t forget the tabloids‘ sins against the gays

We mustn’t forget the tabloids‘ sins against the gays

Facing the past — When AIDS emerged in the ‘80s, it presented the perfect opportunity for tabloids to stir public fears. Holding the media accountable will mean acknowledging their bigotry – both past and present.

Written by: Jack King

Have we already forgotten the AIDS crisis?

Have we already forgotten the AIDS crisis?

Lessons to be learnt — In ignoring America's last great pandemic, we are missing many vital lessons for dealing with coronavirus, argues writer Jack King.

Written by: Jack King

The trailblazing activist legacy of Keith Haring

The trailblazing activist legacy of Keith Haring

Street Art Boy — A new documentary looks back on the artist’s divisive career, from his shunning of the art establishment to his work with the Act Up AIDS campaign.

Written by: Daniel Dylan Wray

How AIDS activists used art to fight a pandemic

How AIDS activists used art to fight a pandemic

Ready for a revolution — ‘Society had turned its back on us, which added to our creative flow and ability to live freely. It’s easy to tell the world to go fuck itself when you’re dying.’

Written by: Miss Rosen

The story behind the year’s most powerful LGBTQ film

The story behind the year’s most powerful LGBTQ film

120 Beats Per Minute — We speak to French director and former ACT UP member Robin Campillo about activism, Aids, and his moving must-see masterpiece, 120 BPM.

Written by: Thomas Curry

How to spark serious social change, using art

How to spark serious social change, using art

Six tips from ACT UP — Legendary ACT UP founding member Avram Finkelstein combined art and activism to combat the AIDS crisis. Here, he shares the invaluable lessons he’s learned.

Written by: Miss Rosen

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