
The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The fight ahead — While the Tories claim that their authoritarian Bill will create a fairer system, in reality, it’ll only serve to harm the most marginalised and vulnerable, writes Leah Cowan.

Written by: Leah Cowan

Is it too late to ‘Kill the Bill’?

Is it too late to ‘Kill the Bill’?

Time to act — While the authoritarian policing bill is almost certainly going to be passed, now isn’t the time to give up the fight, writes Politics Editor, Ben Smoke.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Calorie-labelled menus will inflict untold harm on men, too

Calorie-labelled menus will inflict untold harm on men, too

Scale of the problem — New legislation from the Government mandating that restaurants add calories to menus will have devastating consequences for not just women but men also, who face an added layer of stigma when it comes to disordered eating.

Written by: Dominic McGovern

The teens behind a landmark climate lawsuit

The teens behind a landmark climate lawsuit

Futures before fossil — A group of teenagers from Australia are suing the government over a coal mine extension. Win or lose, it’ll make a profound difference across the world to similar cases fighting to make climate change a children's rights issue.

Written by: Lucia Osborne-Crowley

Why young Londoners are taking on the government

Why young Londoners are taking on the government

#DontZapTheZip — Earlier this year, it was announced that free London travel for under-18s was set to be scrapped – but it won’t be going without a fight.

Written by: Moya Lothian-Mclean

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

The fight for funding — A dearth of compassion for trans people makes it easier to pit them against cis women and children. But the true evil is right under our noses, writes Nicola Dinan.

Written by: Nicola Dinan

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

Now there’s a radical idea — The PLP’s apparent decision to throw their weight behind a London-based male candidate feels dispiriting, if not surprising. Haven’t we been here before?

Written by: Dawn Foster

Clive Lewis: ‘Politicians rely on people to be ignorant’

Clive Lewis: ‘Politicians rely on people to be ignorant’

Season of disruption — The Shadow Treasury Secretary discusses greenwashing, bullshit, and his hopes for a radical future with school strikers Noga Levy-Rapoport and Al Shadjerah.

Written by: Ben Smoke

I worked in the government for years – now I’m an anarchist

I worked in the government for years – now I’m an anarchist

‘The system isn’t working’ — After a long and successful career as a British diplomat, Carne Ross suffered a crisis of faith. Here, he discusses the dangers of our current political order.

Written by: Carne Ross

Stuck between two evils: rethinking the Syria conflict

Stuck between two evils: rethinking the Syria conflict

Tough questions, no easy answers — With ISIS on one side, the Assad dictatorship on the other, and the proxies of Western and Middle Eastern countries filling in the gaps, what hope is there for ordinary Syrians to live in peace?

Written by: Fiorella Lecoutteux

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