Gig Economy

Inside Spain’s failed plan to fix the gig economy

Inside Spain’s failed plan to fix the gig economy

Riders law — A law brought in to improve the working conditions of gig workers in Spain has backfired, as companies go to great lengths to avoid implementing it.

Written by: Maria Alemany Ortiz and Will Hecker

Gig workers are fighting back by surveilling their employers

Gig workers are fighting back by surveilling their employers

Turning the tables — In the fight against bad bosses, workers are adopting the platform tactics used against them and adapting them for their own benefit.

Written by: Anna Dent

Inside the fight against Uber’s ‘racist‘ facial recognition tech

Inside the fight against Uber’s ‘racist‘ facial recognition tech

On strike — This week has seen protests against Uber over its ‘racially discriminatory’ face ID checks. Campaigners say it’s just the latest scandal when it comes to the tech behemoth’s record of treating its workers abysmally.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The Uber drivers facing abuse from riders over mask rules

The Uber drivers facing abuse from riders over mask rules

In the firing line — Drivers have been on the receiving end of physical and verbal abuse from riders who refuse to wear a mask. They say that Uber has failed to protect them, reflecting a wider pattern of the app’s abysmal treatment of its workers.

Written by: Tallulah Belassie-Page

How yoga teachers are exploited by the gig economy

How yoga teachers are exploited by the gig economy

Bending over backwards — The wellness industry may be booming, but many yoga teachers are struggling to make ends meet as countless tech start-ups, apps and large gym chains monopolise the market and undercut pay.

Written by: Andrew Kersley

Life as a freelance creative in NYC

Life as a freelance creative in NYC

Big time or bust — Being your own boss in an unforgiving city brings all sorts of challenges. But is it worth it? A new film by photographer Daniel Soares finds out.

Written by: Cian Traynor

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