Green New Deal — Labour is wrong to abandon its commitment to public ownership of energy – especially at the height of a crisis.
Written by: Callum Bell
Green New Deal — Yesterday, it was announced that Labour Green New Deal would be blocked from the Party Conference, which begs the question: why is the Labour leadership alienating this vital campaign group as the planet burns?
Written by: Chris Saltmarsh
‘I‘ve felt utterly helpless‘ — A new study has exposed the terrifying extent to which the climate crisis is linked to widespread psychological distress among young people globally. Experts are calling on governments to take these concerns seriously, or risk inflicting further damage.
Written by: Ben Smoke
No planet B — The activist group kicked off its latest mass protests by building a huge table in Covent Garden to demand that the government stops using fossil fuels. Photographer Aiyush Pachnanda was on hand to capture the action.
Written by: Ben Smoke
The fight ahead — Following the release of the UN’s landmark climate report, young activists are determined to keep up the momentum and to emphasise that all is not yet lost.
Written by: Emmanuel Onapa
Teach the future — Following the IPCC report issuing its most severe warning on climate yet, students from across the country came together outside the Department of Education to demand urgent action over a curriculum which is failing to address the current crisis.
Written by: Ben Smoke
Calling for justice — Countries in the Global North are disproportionately responsible for driving greenhouse gas emissions. To give frontline communities the freedom to fight the climate crisis, we must take a reparative approach, argues human rights lawyer, Harpreet Kaur Paul.
Written by: Harpreet Kaur Paul
Rise up — A new portrait project from photographer Harry Rose sees young UK activists revealing what they’d say to ruling figures given the chance – and how they’d stress the severity of the climate emergency.
Written by: Huck (intro)
Join the digital strike — With street protests now banned thanks to the Coronavirus crisis, Fridays For Futures school strikers are finding new ways to advocate for change.
Written by: Daisy Schofield
The Fightback: Climate — Shut down and cropped out: 17-year-old activist Athian Akec reflects on the systemic racism of the climate movement.
Written by: Athian Akec