A grim reality — In a shocking new series, photographer Kai Löffelbein reveals the effects of illegal e-waste dumping.
Written by: Miss Rosen
1921 - 1951 — A new book from film critic and historian Paul Kendel Fonoroff tells the story of Chinese film through an archive of historic magazines.
Written by: Niall Flynn
A punk prayer — Despite the city’s darkening political climate, its youth have found a space of freedom and resistance in Hidden Agenda – a local punk venue on the brink of extinction.
Written by: Victoria Chan
Breaking barriers — Following Taiwan's move towards becoming the first country in the continent to legalise same-sex marriage, the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei is making history with its newest exhibit, Spectrosynthesis.
Written by: Biju Belinky
Into the night — Photographer and dancer Sergey Melnitchenko goes backstage at a nameless Chengdu city nightclub in his Behind The Scenes photo series.
Written by: Dominique Sisley
Bandits, badlands and Beijing's iron grip — Xinjiang is China’s most western frontier, portrayed as a badlands and hotbed for religious extremism by state-controlled media. But for photographer Terry Xie, it’s simply a place to skate with like-minded friends.
Written by: D'Arcy Doran
The factory of the world — This May Day, protestors in Hong Kong took to the streets to demand the release of two labour activists arrested for organising with workers in the garment industry for better conditions.
Written by: Tansy Hoskins
Johnny Tang gives a tour of Shanghai, the megacity he calls one giant skatepark. — China's reputation, especially of late, is often overshadowed by censorship and state control. But it's also the site of a flourishing new skate scene. Huck explores these two disconnected worlds through the eyes of Shanghai-based pro skater Johnny Tang.
Written by: Shelley Jones
Charging Through China — Meet Tommy Zhao and the skate family nurturing an exciting DIY scene in the midst of Shanghai’s retro-futuristic skyscrapers.
Written by: Charlotte Middlehurst
A subversive city tour — China’s dissident art superstar Ai Weiwei shows off his Beijing neighbourhood before a major exhibition in London.
Written by: HUCK HQ