
Hiro Murai’s filmmaking offers a fresh look at modern angst

Hiro Murai’s filmmaking offers a fresh look at modern angst

Strange days — Hiro Murai is having a moment. Following his acclaimed work with Donald Glover, the filmmaker is now one of the most sought-after in Hollywood, tackling contemporary anxiety with an absurdist touch.

Written by: Niall Flynn

Atlanta’s hip hop barbershops are the voice of Black America

Atlanta’s hip hop barbershops are the voice of Black America

Hair cuts and homegrown sounds — Photojournalist Kendrick Brinson discovers the subcultural undercurrent of Atlanta's finest barbershops.

Written by: Kendrick Brinson

The Drag Queens of Atlanta are staying fabulous in the face of fear

The Drag Queens of Atlanta are staying fabulous in the face of fear

Disunited States: Here & Queer — Donald Trump is hardly a cheerleader for LGBT rights, and Vice-President elect Mike Pence is a fan of gay conversion therapy. Backstage at one of Atlanta's queer bars, we meet some local queens to find out how they're feeling.

Written by: Michael Segalov

We went to a gun show to talk to Trump's supporters

We went to a gun show to talk to Trump's supporters

Disunited States: Into Trumpland — In rural America, voters turned out to support Donald Trump in their hoards. We head to the small town of Perry, which is hosting a gun show, to hear voters' thoughts.

Written by: Michael Segalov

These Syrian refugees believe America will rise above Trump’s racism

These Syrian refugees believe America will rise above Trump’s racism

“America offers us a future” — There's much to fear in Trump's America, and for nobody is this truer than Muslim refugees. In the small town of Clarkston, Georgia, live the Dallou family, who arrived here seeking refuge from violence in Syria. They remain positive about the future.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

Disunited States: Black Blocks — Built in 1996 in time for Atlanta to host the Olympic Games, Black Blocks was a small urban square designed to spruce up the highway, but it quickly became an important spot for Atlanta’s skaters. Gentrification is in full swing in the city, and when the authorities tried to shut it down earlier this year, the community rallied together to save it, explains Andrew Murrell.

Written by: Andrew Murrell

Not My President: Anti-Trump protests shut down Atlanta

Not My President: Anti-Trump protests shut down Atlanta

'Fuck Trump' — While Trump is busy preparing to make America great again, divisions in the nation are growing. Across the country protests are swelling, people determined to fight back. We hit the ground for Atlanta's latest anti-Trump action.

Written by: Michael Segalov

On the frontlines of Atlanta's homelessness crisis

On the frontlines of Atlanta's homelessness crisis

America’s guilty little secret — Like every American city, homelessness in Atlanta is all too commonplace. The economic downturn hit this city hard, and gentrification finds no space for those who are desperate.

Written by: Michael Segalov

America could learn a lot from the skaters of Atlanta

America could learn a lot from the skaters of Atlanta

Lessons from the Fourth Ward Skate Park — As Trump comes to power on a divisive wave of prejudice, the skate community of Atlanta is holding tight and keeping their own utopia alive. In this chapter of Disunited States, a series of dispatches from Georgia, Huck escapes to the Fourth Ward Skate Park and finds a community that refuses to build boundaries.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Raury on the art of audacious street hustling

Raury on the art of audacious street hustling

Self-promotion, social media and steez — Stealing fans is not underhand if you do it with a smile, explains 18-year-old Atlanta rapper Raury.

Written by: Osia Katsidou

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