Alexander Durie

In France, thousands protest violence against women

In France, thousands protest violence against women

Paris goes purple — Around 30,000 people took to the streets of Paris on Saturday for a rally spurred by #NousToutes (#UsAll) – the feminist movement calling for an end to all forms of violence against women.

Written by: Alexander Durie

The Berlin neighbourhood fighting off the Google giant

The Berlin neighbourhood fighting off the Google giant

Kreuzberg’s crusade — A Google Campus is due to open in a 2500m² complex in Berlin’s popular Kreuzberg neighbourhood, but as locals fear exploding rent prices and continued gentrification amidst Berlin’s burgeoning start-up scene, an anti-Google alliance is fighting against the tech giant both online and on the streets.

Written by: Alexander Durie

Berlin’s clubbers get political for anti-Nazi protest

Berlin’s clubbers get political for anti-Nazi protest

Dancing in the street — On Sunday, an estimated 70,000 people from the city’s clubbing community took to the streets to counter-demonstrate against the far-right AfD (Alternativ für Deutschland) party: ‘We are progressive, queer, feminist, anti-racist, inclusive, colourful and we have unicorns.’

Written by: Alexander Durie

The collectives taking on Poland’s right-wing uprising

The collectives taking on Poland’s right-wing uprising

New radicals — In a country with rising nationalism and some of the strictest abortion laws in Europe, the Polish youth are fighting back through grassroots initiatives and radical independent publishing.

Written by: Alexander Durie

The pop-up theatre where refugees take centre stage

The pop-up theatre where refugees take centre stage

The Hope Show — After a celebrated run at London's Young Vic, theatre group Good Chance have landed in Paris with their most ambitious project yet: a pop-up theatre where refugees produce the show.

Written by: Alexander Durie

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