
As a Muslim, Labour no longer feels like the party for me

As a Muslim, Labour no longer feels like the party for me

Taken for granted — After a councillor accused of Islamophobia was allowed to stand for Labour, many Muslims are left questioning if they can stand by a party that is failing to tackle racism.

Written by: Nadeine Asbali

The Colston Four appeal is an attack on our human rights

The Colston Four appeal is an attack on our human rights

Protect protest — A move to refer the Colston Four’s acquittal to the Court of Appeal is nothing but an attempt to undermine our right to protest, writes Ben Smoke.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The fight to protect human rights in Guatemala

The fight to protect human rights in Guatemala

‘We won’t be silent‘ — Last month, Congress passed laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community and reproductive rights. Now, activists are fighting to oppose the threats to some of the most vulnerable people in society.

Written by: Nicole Garcia Merida

How whisper networks are protecting university students

How whisper networks are protecting university students

‘It’s about survival‘ — With many UK universities failing to take sufficient action over sexual assault, students are finding ways to talk about their experiences and warn others about predators.

Written by: Katie Tobin

The UK’s longest gig economy strike isn’t letting up

The UK’s longest gig economy strike isn’t letting up

Still fighting — Now lasting for over 100 days, food couriers in Sheffield are continuing to lead a strike in protest of their pay cut.

Written by: Ben Smoke

In Kharkiv, residents live in terror amid Russian attack

In Kharkiv, residents live in terror amid Russian attack

On the frontline — In the second most shelled city in Ukraine, residents determined to stay in their city have been forced to shelter in cramped metro stations or risk their lives staying in residential buildings.

Written by: Seth Berry

UK unemployment is falling, but poverty isn’t

UK unemployment is falling, but poverty isn’t

The insecure economy — Amid the rising cost of living, the government is hiding behind falling unemployment figures while workers in almost every industry continue to suffer, writes Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

‘State-sponsored cruelty‘ — For asylum seekers, who are given a paltry sum to live off by the Home Office, rising prices are set to make a desperate financial situation even worse.

Written by: Isabella Cipirska

In India, Muslim students are resisting the hijab ban

In India, Muslim students are resisting the hijab ban

‘My dreams are shattered‘ — Following a court ruling upholding a ban on Muslim students wearing head coverings in schools, girls who’ve been denied their fundamental rights are fighting back, reports Akshata Kapoor.

Written by: Akshata Kapoor

The fight to keep babies out of prison

The fight to keep babies out of prison

No births behind bars — Earlier this week, protestors gathered in Westminster to call for an end to the imprisonment of pregnant people, highlighting the serious risks prison poses to mothers and their newborn children.

Written by: Ben Smoke

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