Theo McInnes

Room for change: the problem with Extinction Rebellion

Room for change: the problem with Extinction Rebellion

Season of disruption — The activist group has laid its foundations, but now it needs to grow – and the only way it can do that is by broadening its message, argues writer and activist Ben Smoke.

Written by: Ben Smoke

#Climatestrike: our house is on fire, it’s time to act like it

#Climatestrike: our house is on fire, it’s time to act like it

The world takes action — Today, millions left their homes, schools and workplaces to go on Global Climate Strike. Writer Ben Smoke and photographer Theo McInnes joined the crowds in London.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The joy of protest: how modern activists are beating burnout

The joy of protest: how modern activists are beating burnout

Frontline optimism — Sometimes pushing for change can lead to despair. But it’s in the face of anxiety that activists are discovering a tonic for fights that may otherwise feel fruitless: the thrill of a concerted effort.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

Photos from this weekend’s ‘Free Tommy’ clashes

Photos from this weekend’s ‘Free Tommy’ clashes

Fuck the far-right — Protesting his sentencing, supporters of Tommy Robinson marched on London this weekend. Anti-fascist groups, determined not to let an emboldened far-right march unopposed, were there to meet them.

Written by: Huck

Those complicit with oppression have no place at Pride

Those complicit with oppression have no place at Pride

Anyone associated with the denigration, torture and deaths of LGBTQ+ people should not be welcome at Pride – regardless of how they identify.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Why refugees were celebrating at Athens Pride

Why refugees were celebrating at Athens Pride

Solidarity across borders — The opening of Athens’ first community centre for LGBTQI+ refugees provides a much-needed safe space for people marginalised and persecuted – both from inside and outside the refugee community.

Written by: Alex King

Erland Cooper’s guide to finding calm in the city

Erland Cooper’s guide to finding calm in the city

Escaping the noise — As he gears up for the release of his second solo album, the Orkney musician takes us on a tour of London’s Walthamstow Wetlands – a bucolic oasis set within the urban sprawl of North London.

Written by: Jeremy Allen

Paul Mason on robots, revolt & why capitalism is fucked

Paul Mason on robots, revolt & why capitalism is fucked

Clear bright future — In his new book, the journalist and activist maps out a clear bright future: one that challenges us to take control of technology and rediscover what makes us human.

Written by: Alex King

So what comes next for Extinction Rebellion?

So what comes next for Extinction Rebellion?

11 days later — After 11 days of protest, Extinction Rebellion have ended their action in London. Writer and activist Ben Smoke assesses how effective they were.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Anti-knife protestors block Westminster bridge

Anti-knife protestors block Westminster bridge

#OperationShutdown — Extinction Rebellion are dominating the headlines, but they’re not the only ones taking to London’s streets this week.

Written by: Huck

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