Sian Bradley

The students left homeless amid the accommodation crisis

The students left homeless amid the accommodation crisis

Nowhere to turn — Across the UK students are being denied accommodation by their universities, leaving them in precarious living situations – from rough sleeping, to sofa surfing and Airbnb, reports Siân Bradley.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Too poor to die: the rise of crowdfunded funerals

Too poor to die: the rise of crowdfunded funerals

Grave matters — Dying has always been expensive. But now, amid soaring inflation, more families are having to turn to the kindness of strangers to shoulder the costs.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Young people can’t afford to quit hustle culture

Young people can’t afford to quit hustle culture

Slaves to the grind — The idea that a younger generation is abandoning work has become a popular narrative online, but it doesn’t necessarily reflect reality, writes Siân Bradley.

Written by: Sian Bradley

The battle for abortion clinic buffer zones in the UK

The battle for abortion clinic buffer zones in the UK

Right to choose — The overturning of Roe v. Wade in the US has seen an emboldened anti-choice movement in the UK. Now, campaigners are fighting to protect people from harassment as they access abortion care.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Why more young people are turning to nihilism

Why more young people are turning to nihilism

‘It’s incredibly freeing’ — Amid rising inequality and the climate crisis, the view that life is meaningless is gaining traction. But can believing nothing matters also be a catalyst for positive action?

Written by: Sian Bradley

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

Gamers unite — Racism, sexism and overwork have long plagued the gaming industry. But now, individuals are coming together and unionising in an effort to transform their workplaces.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Tech workers are fighting back against employee surveillance

Tech workers are fighting back against employee surveillance

Power in numbers — Invasive workplace surveillance has become a reality for many remote workers over the pandemic. Now, tech workers are unionising to lead the resistance.

Written by: Sian Bradley

We need more than boycotts to make clubs feel safe

We need more than boycotts to make clubs feel safe

Breaking the cycle — Student groups from more than 30 universities are planning to boycott clubs and bars this week in a bid to push for nightlife reforms following reports of spiking, but campaigners say that demands must go further.

Written by: Sian Bradley

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