Ying Ang Playlist

Ying Ang Playlist
Karen O's Crush Songs — Ying Ang's eerie portrait of Australia's Gold Coast gets a lo-fi soundtrack from Karen O.

Nomadic photographer Ying Ang contemplates the meaning of home in her contribution to Huck 46 – The Documentary Photography Special II.

Her beautifully eerie portrait of Australia’s Gold Coast – the city she grew up in and has been trying to escape ever since – uncovered the darker side of life downunder in subtle Lynchian tones.

Now, as she hops between her various bases – flying between Melbourne, Singapore and NYC – to promote the photobook that came out of that personal project, there’s only one record worthy of playing on repeat. And that’s Karen O’s crushworthy Crush Songs.

Says Ying: “I’ve always loved album cover art, which is a large reason why I still buy and listen to vinyl. As soon as I saw this album I already wanted it to be a favourite. When the music started, I heard the girl in her, a little unsure, laced with angst and filled with the devastatingly hopeful/hopeless nature of adolescent crushes. I guess I’m still thirteen on the inside.”

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