Collab Tee & Video — California meets London in new tee and video from Altamont featuring James Edson, founder of DIY art space Wayward Gallery.

The Wayward Gallery is a gnarly little white-walled space down a side street off of Hackney’s most DIY art area, Vyner Street.

Over the last four years skater, photographer and curator James Edson – whose PWBC crew and old ‘Brixton Palace’ residence gave rise to London’s Palace Skateboards – has headed up a tight schedule of creative activity – from photography and art exhibitions to video premieres, magazine launches and experiential installations – that have made Wayward the centre of its own weird and wonderful world.

Everyone from the Gonz to Fuck Buttons has passed through Wayward Gallery and although it has always supported skateboarding in all its rad visual manifestations, Edson keeps things fresh by curating a wide repertoire of shows that transcend skate to champion all sorts of wild imaginings in line with his stripped-back aesthetic.

Inspired by the Wayward way of life, Altamont has created a ‘Cut From A Different Cloth’ video on Wayward – as part of a series where they shout out cool people doing interesting things – and produced a collab T-shirt featuring some of Edson’s documentary-style photography. The collab and short film launches at Wayward tonight, February 6, and we caught up with Edson quick to find out what to expect.

How did the Wayward x Altamont collab come about?
Tom who works at Altamont arranged it. He came up with the idea that we could do a ‘Cut From a Different Cloth’ film and I could design a tee. Altamont is cool and supports people doing stuff in a rootsy more organic way so I suppose it worked out with the vibe over here at Wayward.

What was the thought behind the artwork for the T-shirt?
It’s really just a load of photos from all over the place that remind me of things or people. A lot of people have probably seen them before but not on a T-shirt.

Do you think there’s common ground between Wayward’s London world and Altamont’s Californian one?
It would be nice to be compared to them over there, I think they provide a platform for artists etc. and enable people’s work to get out there and I hope thats what I’m doing here maybe.
We have a similar ethos perhaps.

When did you start shooting photos and why?
About twenty years ago and I just fell into it from being around lots of interesting people from skateboarding I think.

How would you describe your photography?
People mainly and travel I suppose.

What can people expect from the launch on Thursday?
Some pictures on the wall and the film about the gallery playing. Not quite sure about the logistics of it all yet, not too posh. And some T-shirts for people. Oh and beer.

Do you have any other exhibitions in the pipeline?
It’s all top secret. 🙂

Check out the Wayward Gallery website for updates on new shows and happenings.

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