Lost In Crookslation — Chet Childress returns to his childhood home in North Carolina for a short film with Desillusion Magazine.

“All you’re ever doing is searching for that fire,” explains Chet Childress. “You’re chasing down that one day your whole life of stoke level being one hundred per cent.”

For Childress, skateboarding is a gateway to explore other passions, from painting and photography to travel and exploration. Never afraid to up sticks in search of the next adventure, he’s been on the move since picking up a skateboard in 1984.

Now looking back on a three-decade strong career, Childress went back to his childhood home of Wilmington, North Carolina with Desillusion Magazine editor Robin Pailler. Over five days they talked, skated and shoot footage in the hopes of getting a little insight into the mind of one of skateboarding’s towering figures.

Their meeting resulted in short film Lost In Crookslation (above) and the article ‘Greetings From Nowhere’ in the latest issue of Desillusion Magazine.

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