Discovering abandoned places — Trailing across Italy in search of unchartered skate territory the Italian Vans team stir dust clouds, improvise skateable constructions and risk getting crushed by a collapsing wall.

The film features six different locations – a cement factory, a mental hospital, a ghost town, an Olympic park, a factory and a post office – all abandoned.


Artistically filmed in black and white, Italian skaters; Mattia Turco, Icaro Nardi, Simone Verona, Jacopo Picozza, Carlo Cassan, Nikolò Bromo and Adalberto Rinaldiuse creatively spot skateable structures. The film follows them through graffiti-filled corridors as they give blood, sweat and tears to forge an unforgettable experience.


Directed by Turin-based director Alberto Chimenti Dezani and with videography by Patrick Delorenzi, the film captures the instinctual and abstract ways that skateboarders turn neglected locations into skateboarding biospheres.


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