Satirical gold — With choreography supplied by everyone's embarrassing mother, kid performers USA Freedom Kids sing and dance their own Donald Trump theme song at a Republican rally. Few could doubt their commitment to Sparkle Motion.

Kids grow up so fast these days. One second they’re playing with Barbie dolls and believing in Santa Claus, next they’re singing awkwardly-choreographed dance numbers at a Trump rally. This was the scene at an event in Pensacola, Florida this week (January 13), where three performers from the dance troupe USA Freedom Kids sang a beautiful ode to the puffy orange tycoon that will presumably save America. Sample lyric: “We’re the red, white and blue / Fiercely free, that’s who!”

A Florida-based dance troupe, USA Freedom Kids were birthed on September 11, 2015 with the release of their debut single, The National Anthem Part 2. As eloquently described on their official site, “September 11th is a day America faced a setback. But as General George S. Patton said, all real Americans love a winner. With that, the USA Freedom Kids are born.”


It’s sort of like the requisite ‘terrible audition’ montage that opens a direct-to-video Step Up sequel, before Channing Tatum’s non-union Mexican equivalent shows up to save the day. Only this isn’t a Step Up sequel, there’s no hero, and everything is terrible.

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