New video series Cascadia — Scots bike ace Danny MacAskill kicks off mind-blowing solo project on the roofs of Las Palmas.

Remove any sharp items and clear a safe space for the moment your jaw hits the floor. Seriously.

Street-trials star Danny MacAskill’s latest video is off the chain. It’s the first in a new solo series in partnership with GoPro called Cascadia and we can’t wait for more.

Shot in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Mackaskill tears it up on rooftops seemingly designed for the Scot’s gravity-defying skills.

“I would say one of the biggest builds in the video was probably the end shot,” Mackaskill told Red Bull. “We were starting on top of the hill and I tried to think of something good to end the film, what we call the ‘banger’ of the video. So we built this scaffolding structure in El Roque and I come down off the scaffolding and do a big frontflip into the ocean.”

It’s sure to add a few million more views to Mackaskill’s immensely successful run of bike edits including, ‘Inspired Bicycles’, ‘Way Back Home’, ‘Industrial Revolutions’, ‘Epecuen’, ‘Imaginate’ and ‘The Ridge’. Together they rack up over 175 million views at the latest count. Bring on the next!

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