FUCKKKYOUUU — Flying Lotus collaborates with experimental filmmaker Eddie Alcazar on a messed-up but utterly mesmerising short film.

After playing to sell-out festival audiences over the last few months, Flying Lotus’ short film collaboration with filmmaker Eddie Alcazar is now online.

Full disclosure: FUCKKKYOUUU is very NSFW – unless you’re lucky enough to work somewhere that appreciates awesome shit, of course.

There’s a ton more nudity in here than your average music video, but the twisted vibes on display put this worlds above your standard bass x booty-shakin’ affair.

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A lonely girl searches for love and comfort by connecting with her past self through time travel. But as time folds onto itself and she battles with identity, rejection and gender, only one self can survive.

The nightmarish black and white world Alcazar constructs is brought to life with a moody Fly-Lo score. It’s bold, experimental and provocative but an arresting piece of filmmaking that transports you to an immersive, disturbing universe for all of the short’s eight-and-a-half minute run time.

If FUCKKKYOUUU is an indication of what’s to come, we can only hope Flying Lotus’ recent dabblings with film continue.

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