Tommy Guerrero Playlist

Tommy Guerrero Playlist
Bluesy Latin Fusion Groovadelia — Catch legendary skater and jazz rock guitarist Tommy Guerrero on tape.

Tommy Guerrero carved a languid arc across the 1980s as the loose-legged skate rat who owned the hills of San Francisco. He made history in the Bones Brigade and is still pushing things as a company man with forever-legit Real Skateboards. Defying time is Tommy’s forte – especially in sound. His new album, No Mans Land, is a tumbleweed of trip-hop funk straight of a jazz-club taqueria.

Here are some diverse Tommy tapes from the archives.

Bones Brigade – The Search For Animal Chin

Legend Award – Transworld Skateboarding

No Mans Land – Tour Video

Real Skateboards – Non Fiction

To read Tommy Guerrero in conversation with former King Shit honcho Dave Carnie check Huck 44, out now.

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