Thousands of protestors unite to condemn the policing bill

Thousands of protestors unite to condemn the policing bill
No more police powers — Ahead of the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill reaching its final stages in the Lords, protestors came together to rally against the authoritarian legislation.

This weekend, thousands took to the streets in towns and cities across the country to demonstrate against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. The bill is reaching its final stages in the House of Lords and has seen sustained protest and resistance since it was first introduced in March 2021. The legislation contains within it provisions that campaigners say will be used to target minorities as well as those which would significantly impact the right to protest.

Demos, marches and actions took place in at least 28 different places this weekend as the Lords prepare to vote on a series of last-minute government amendments to the bill tonight. In London, thousands gathered at Lincoln’s Inn Fields in the centre of the city to listen to speeches before marching to Parliament Square for a second rally. Speakers included MPs, Lords and members of communities affected by provisions in the bill. Photographer Aiyush Pachnanda was there to capture the action.

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