The Global Day of Action in Glasgow & London – in photos

The Global Day of Action in Glasgow & London – in photos
Climate takeover — This weekend, to mark COP26, demonstrators from around the world came together to demand action on climate change, with as many as 250,000 protestors showing up in Glasgow to march near the summit.

On Saturday (6 November) demonstrators around the world gathered to demand radical action on the climate crisis as part of a Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. There were more than 300 protests worldwide, and 100 in the UK alone.

It is estimated that 100,000 climate protesters showed up in Glasgow to march close to the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26). These marches were led by people of colour in Scotland and Indigenous activists from the Global South, who bear the brunt of the climate crisis, but whose voices have been largely shut out of COP26. Police arrested 22 scientists who chained themselves together and blocked a road bridge over the River Clyde.

In London, an estimated 10,000 protestors, which included trade unionists, refugee rights groups, students and environmentalists, marched from the Bank of England to Trafalgar Square. Among the speakers was Green Party member at the London Assembly, Sian Berry, who called on the crowds to continue the fight “for a better world for everyone”.

Photographer Ben Soedira captured the action in Glasgow, while photographer Guy Smallman joined the march in London.



COP26 takes place between 31 October – 12 November 2021. Keep an eye on Huck’s live coverage of COP on our Twitter and Instagram, and read more about our climate takeover here

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