Being pulled by a Jeep — An incredibly risky and enjoyable stunt from filmmaker Casey Neistat.

Driving in New York is notoriously headache-inducing: there’s tons of traffic, drivers are pissed off, pedestrians are scurrying everywhere like the cockroaches that you share your apartment with, some dude’s trying to sell you his shitty mixtape, plus everything just generally smells like trash.

Not during a blizzard though. During winter-storm Jonas, the streets of New York were abandoned, and Casey Neistat was able to drive through Manhattan on a snowboard while being towed by a Jeep, pulling off tricks from snowbanks and almost slamming into cars a bunch of times.

He’s joined by a skier friend, and they eventually get pulled over by cops, who had shut down the city to drivers. The cop comes up and we hear him say, “Someone complained about you, so we’re just going to act like we’re talking to you,” because hey, Neistat and his friends are white. The 34 year-old is a filmmaker and Youtube star. They use a drone, slide by Central Park, act like goofs, and the whole thing is scored by Frank Sinatra.

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