Swedish skate video showcases all the best analogue photo formats

Swedish skate video showcases all the best analogue photo formats
35mm, Large Format, Hassleblad — A new video by Phil Evans pays tribute to analogue photography formats and shows a slice of the Malmö street skating scene.

Skate media has a rich history of diverse analogue photography – 35mm, large format, medium format, hassleblad, to name just a few. It’s a tradition film enthusiast Phil Evans is paying tribute to in his new video Snapshot.

Shot in Malmö and featuring skaters Danny Westin, Gustav Edén, Erik Moe, Simon Andersson, Koki Lioza, Tom Botwid, Axel Welton, John Dahlquist, Danijel Stankovic, Daniel Grönwall, Koffe Hallgren, Filip Almqvis, Snapshot is a trip down memory lane for print-o-philes as it replicates all the formats using a digital Lumix GH3.

Says Evans: “I couldn’t afford to shoot it analogue, so I recreated it with aspect ratios, colour correction, cross processing etc.”

The result is a curious blend of the past and present that draws attention to all the artistic ways in which skateboarding is rendered.

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