Best moments from Season 4 of Lena Dunham's Girls

Best moments from Season 4 of Lena Dunham's Girls
All the ups and downs — Dancing at undergrad frat parties in Iowa, getting piercings with school kids and having deep and meaningfuls in laundromats.

So Season 4 of Lena Dunham’s funny drama about the lives of a bunch of twenty-something white kids in New York drew to a close on Sunday and I’m gonna put it out there and say it was the best season yet.

By now the dysfunctional characters, who seem to embody different struggles of young city life – trying to work out jobs, love, art, family, friends etc. – are familiar to us and it’s easy to be more involved in their emotional journeys. Of course, the charm of Girls is that they’re all kind of exaggerated, extra-ridiculous composites of people and that makes for some pretty hilarious scenarios.

Here are some of our favourites from the last ten episodes.

Hannah and Elijah getting down at a frat party in Iowa

Hannah is struggling to adapt to academic life in the quiet suburbs of Iowa and when her ex-boyfriend-turned-gay-best-friend Elijah comes to visit her they hit an undergrad frat party for some getting-loose relief. You know what you think you look like in the club? Well this is what you actually look like in the club.

Hannah and Adam’s Breakup Scene

Hannah comes back to New York expecting an emotional reunion with Adam but finds him shacked up with his new beau, a pretentious art success Mimi Rose. As a result she barricades herself in her old room (Adam’s current room) and when she finally leaves they have a bit of a heartbreaking conversation where Adam admits he doesn’t feel the same about her anymore. Weep.

Hannah and Cleo dancing outside school before getting piercings

Judd Apatow’s daughter Maude Apatow plays Cleo, a kid in the school where Hannah is now teaching and they strike up a great friendship. Lena Dunham says: “Hannah is kind of a kid at heart, and she knows what it’s like to be a kid and she really cares about books. So she’s actually the exact right person to be talking to kids about books. Even if she hasn’t quite nailed her bedside manner yet.” This dance – before they go and get piercings together and it all goes horribly wrong – is a high point.


Hannah and Mimi Rose stealing popsicles and bonding over laundry

Hannah gets stuck with her competition for Adam’s affections the night of Mimi Rose’s exhibition opening and they end up stealing some popsicles together and having a deep and meaningful among some washing machines. Mimi reveals her insecurities and Hannah softens towards her, eventually giving her blessing to the new relationship.


Ray laying into Desi

Marnie and Desi develop their relationship after Desi essentially gets dumped by his ex-girlfriend and in this scene in the finale episode, Ray – who is clearly in love with Marnie – let’s rip on his douchiness, commenting that his distressed shirt and eyeliner is too much to bear.

“We are very different, because I would never treat her like shit,” he says to Desi regarding Marnie. “I know she’s your fiance. I also know that you absolutely do not deserve her, even remotely. You string her along for months and now you’ve proposed to her in some desperate bid to make it seem like you’re not the most selfish person in the Western fucking hemisphere. Marnie is not some tool for you to stroke your ego with. She is a beautiful, fully-formed woman. Dazzling in her complexity, maddening in her mystery and you underestimate her every fucking day and because of that you will never ever make her truly happy.”

Adam’s sister’s home birth

Adam’s sister Caroline goes into labour one and a half months early and insists on trying to give birth in the bath of Laird’s (the former apartment-block crackhead and father of the baby) apartment. She’s breach, though, and they have to persuade her to go to hospital but she goes nuts about the ‘birth industrial complex’ – lol. Jessa, on good form, gets her head under the bath water to assess the situation. Hannah and Adam reconnect but it’s too little too late and the final couple of scenes are a tearjerker for fans of their weird love story.

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