Protestors gather outside the Russian embassy – in photos

Protestors gather outside the Russian embassy – in photos
‘Hands off Ukraine‘ — Hundreds gathered over the weekend both outside Russia's embassy in Kensington and in Downing Street calling for Vladimir Putin to withdraw from Ukraine.

On Saturday (26 February), as the Russian invasion entered its third day, hundreds of protestors gathered outside Moscow’s embassy in Kensington and in Downing Street in support of Ukraine.

Forces have continued to strike Ukrainian cities with artillery and cruise missiles, with the capital transformed into a battle zone. At least 102 civilians in Ukraine have been killed since Russia launched its invasion last Thursday, and a further 304 injured, while some 422,000 Ukrainians have fled their homeland, with many more displaced within the country.

Waving flags, banners and placards, protesters in London called for Vladimir Putin to withdraw his forces. Many sang the Ukrainian anthem and chanted “Putin stop war” and “free Ukraine”. At the embassy, protesters chalked over the walls and hung signs on the fences, while small groups talked about how people can support Ukraine.

Photographer Aiyush Pachnanda was at the protests to capture the action.

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