Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo

Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo
Bearing the brunt — Hundreds of people stand outside Downing Street to demand the UK government takes action to bring an end to the bloodshed in Aleppo.

Hundreds of people gathered outside Downing Street in London this weekend, to demand that the British Government takes an active and leading role in bringing to an end the plight of children caught up in the Syrian conflict.


The war battered city has suffered greatly at the hands of the Assad regime, with the death toll in the civil war standing at more than 300,000. Words fail to describe it, with hospitals and schools are among the targets that have been attacked.

Around 300 people made their way to Westminster on Saturday, as piles of teddy bears were placed at the foot of the platform where actress Carey Mulligan, MPs and campaigners took to the stage.


The crowd included children wearing “Save Aleppo” t-shirts, while others wielded placards demanding “No bomb zone now”, while some flew Syrian flags. The teddy bears, utilised to symbolise the all too human cost of conflict, were left on Theresa May’s doorstep, as the bloodshed continues.


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