OaKoAK: the smartest street artist on the block

OaKoAK: the smartest street artist on the block
Straight outta Saint Etienne — One of France's more mysterious culture jammers OaKoAK gives Huck a rare interview.

OaKoAk, a street artist hailing from Saint Etienne, France, transforms mundane objects using cleverly placed, humorous doodles – “finding the imperfections in the streets or on the walls and playing with them.”

He’s primarily inspired by his hometown, which he says is, “A former industrial and mining town that has evolved over the last 30 years. I feel that it is a laboratory city where you can try what you want. I love this place, and although for many this city has a black image, it is a huge playground, open to everything new – unpretentious.”

An office worker by day, street artist by night, OaKoAK is somewhat mysterious, refusing to speak about himself – “I never give news about me. The most important thing is my work, not me.”

But we were lucky enough to speak to him about what inspires him to create and his biggest piece of advice.

What inspired you to start creating street art?
I walk a lot in the streets listening to music and sometimes I find inspiration and the perfect place for an intervention.

What do you think about street artists selling out?
If it allows them to live and to buy their supplies for their art, it’s cool.

Which street artists inspire you the most?
I really like SPy, Pejac, Fra Biancoshcok and Varini.

What do you do when you’re not doing street art?
I try to travel, to discover a lot of different places or countries.

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do but not had the chance?
II would like to travel more and discover more countries.

What’s your biggest piece of advice?
The most important is really to do something you like and I think that everybody can draw or stick in the street.

For more on OaKoAK, check out his website.

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