Mos Def Poster Twitter Competition

  • Text by HUCK HQ
Mos Def Poster Twitter Competition
Radness To Be Won! — We're entering all Huck Twitter followers into a draw to win an amazing Mos Def poster by Timba Smits. Winners will be announced once we hit 20k followers.

We’re nearing the 20k-follower mark on Twitter and to celebrate Huck is giving away 10 signed, limited edition copies of our exclusive Mos Def poster, designed by the one, the only Timba Smits!

The poster is inspired by one of the most frequently tweeted and retweeted quotes from the Huck back catalogue.

We want to thank all our fans, new and old, for their support by entering all our followers into a draw to win one of the prints once we hit the 20k mark. You can help us get there even faster by encouraging your friends to follow us on Twitter.

For a guaranteed chance to get a future limited edition print — and other surprises — subscribe! Every issue we give new Huck subscribers a special gift. Subscribe today and you’ll get Huck 43 – Street Photography with Boogie, and a brand new gift, exclusive to subscribers. Or you can just pick up a copy of the new issue here.

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