Photos from this weekend's Justice For Mark Duggan rally

Photos from this weekend's Justice For Mark Duggan rally
No justice, no peace — This month marks six years since Mark Duggan was killed by the Metropolitan Police in London, and his community are still desperate for justice.

It has been six years since Mark Duggan was shot dead by the Metropolitan Police, but his family, friends and community are still as desperate now as they were on 4 August 2011 for accountability, justice and answers.

While for some watching on as Mark’s killing unfolded were shocked by the way both his case and the aftermath were handled, for those living in Tottenham and similar areas it was an all too familiar sight. It’s this sense of prolonged injustice, of structural racism and understandable mistrust that led to the subsequent unrest, riots and nationwide uprisings.

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But Mark’s death didn’t just spark protests, it also marked the start of a long legal battle, one that is going on to this day. So when on Friday evening crowds gathered in North London to remember his life and continue their fight for accountability it was clear that wounds are still fresh, people still hurting. With another young black man dying after contact with the police just weeks ago a matter of miles away in Hackney, it’s an all too familiar feeling. It appears that little has changed.

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