Lovenskate's Connoisseur of Quality — Auto traders, pubs, caffs and quality goods in the new video from London-based skate company Lovenskate.

British industry used to be a thing. Before the days of ‘Made In China’ when wagon wheel chocolate biscuits were the size of sky dishes and a pint cost 94p, Britain had a booming tradition of manufacturing that could rival anywhere in the world.

It’s an era that UK skateboard company Lovenskate are harking back to in their new lol-o-rific promo video The Connoisseur of Quality. The tongue-in-cheek edit celebrates Lovenskate’s dedication to British manufacturing through a bunch of quintessential clichés – cups of tea, caffs, geezers and pubs – and makes a salient point in the process; it’s good to support locally produced things.

Watch above and check out a video we made on Lovenskate last year.

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