London hip hop collective Neverland Clan slay their Boiler Room set

London hip hop collective Neverland Clan slay their Boiler Room set
Underground fire — Neverland Clan brought mosh pits, sweat, charisma and overriding lyrical prowess to a high-energy Boiler Room session at Hackney Wick’s Stour Space.

Despite rewind after rewind, Neverland Clan demonstrated that they know exactly which direction they’re heading in: blazing a warpath straight to the top of the UK underground rap scene.

After Fredwave got the crowd bubbling, the London hip hop collective took things to boiling point at a lively Boiler Room session at Hackney Wick’s Stour Space.


Comprised of Okimi (videographer and illustrator), Daniel OG (musician/producer/rapper), Ryan Hawaii (musician/artist) and Omelet (musician), Neverland Clan merge their sound with fashion, graphics and photography.

Their set went off in a haze of lyricism and charisma, that sparked mosh pit after mosh pit and got the sweat dripping from the walls. At points it was hard to tell where the stage ended and the audience began, as the collective plunged into the crowd to keep the energy high.

Photographer Pablo Di Prima was there to capture it all and documented a moment which showed the UK underground at the height of its powers.

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Find out more about Pablo Di Prima’s work.

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