La Petite Mort

La Petite Mort
Margaux Arramon-Tucoo & Marynn at 71a gallery, London — Huck and RVCA present an exhibition of illustration by French artists Margaux Arramon Tucoo and Marynn at 71a gallery, London.

French illustrators Margaux Arramon Tucoo and Marynn are joining forces for a sensory exhibition at 71a gallery, London – October 2, 6-9pm, and October 3, 12-6pm – which explores the ephemerality of life.

With a selection of new black-and-white and colour pieces, created in complete collaboration, the existential artists are re-imagining their familiar motifs – Margaux’s mandalas and Marynn’s ethereal female forms – in new, dark ways as eulogies to things that don’t last.

According to the artists: “La Petite Mort is an optimistic heart during a descent two hells under, it is two entities brushing past against each other and imploding… a childish soul lulled by illusionary youthful dreams.”

Marynn is a 23-year-old illustrator living in Biarritz. After studying graphic design, Marynn fell in love with illustration and has been obsessed with her passion for it ever since. Her work is influenced by everyday observations and every piece she creates has a story behind it, exploring a spectrum of emotions; from madness to joy, black humour to earnest poetry. Her style is naive but still lucid.

Growing up in Biarritz, 23-year-old Margaux Arramon-Tucoo started to appreciate the symbiosis of surfing and art at an early age. Her longboarding and painting embody grace and style and explore her fascination with the natural cycle of life and the beautiful and spiritual union of human beings and Earth. To look at Margaux’s work is to see the world through her eyes, a world that she extends with every trip, wave and brushstroke.

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