Huck Photo Workshops: iPhone photography round-up

Huck Photo Workshops: iPhone photography round-up
A night of double-exposure fun — Behind-the-scenes of this summer's first Huck Photo Workshop - practical, fun masterclasses for image-makers of all kinds.

The inaugural Huck Photo Workshop kicked off on May 27 with an evening masterclass led by award-winning photographer Daniella Zalcman.

A multiple Pulitzer grantee, Daniella has perfected the art of iPhone photography and app-based post-production tools to create a multilayered aesthetic that she then applies to narrative photojournalism projects like her forthcoming book, Signs of Your Identity, which explores the impact of Canada’s forced assimilation education programme on indigenous communities. It’s powerful stuff – brought to life in a beautiful, empathic way.

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Over the course of the evening, Daniella shared some hard-won lessons and nifty pro tricks – from cultivating intimacy with a subject by shooting portraits on a smartphone, to step-by-step tips on the best post-production apps.

A whole load of great images were produced on the night. These are just the highlights.


Photo by @marcomarcos

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Photo by @edgarmpinto

Huck Photo Workshops are a new kind of practical masterclass that aims to close the gap between Huck readers and photographers they admire. Join us!

Up Next: Documentary Portraits with Guy Martin, June 8-9. Book tickets now on Eventbrite




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