Hamburger Eyes head honcho Ray Potes on barfing and the things he’d do for lust

Hamburger Eyes head honcho Ray Potes on barfing and the things he’d do for lust
The Spiel Sesh: No. 2 — The Spiel Sesh is a new quick-fire Q&A series with Huck's indie culture heroes. This time, photographer and Hamburger Eyes mastermind, Ray Potes.

Now, a word from the man who created the most epic publishing project around, Ray Potes. Starting as a small Xerox’d zine, Hamburger Eyes is heavily influenced by old school Life Magazines, film, surf, skate and classic street photography. He’s been publishing the unseen and iconic moments of everyday life from both up-and-comers and established photographers since 2001.

On Friday February 5, Slow Culture gallery in LA’s China Town is presenting CYBERNETICS a retrospective of 15 years of his handy work. Don’t miss this one!

And, take a looksee at his latest project Zine Kong, if you’re a photographer get your shit out there! Send it to Ray, check him on Instagram.


Describe your last perfect day
Woke up and went to the beach

What’s been done to death?

Who is your hero of fiction?
The Terminator

Earliest memory?

What is selling out?
Selling through an entire edition

What advice would you tell your 16-year-old self?
Surf more

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
More surf

Last time you lied?
Right now

Have you made it?
Not yet

What’s wrong with kids today?

Weapon of Choice?
Butterfly knife


Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time?
I haven’t made a sci-fi movie yet because my writing still needs work.

Growing up what was the most embarrassing thing you did to fit it?
Vocals for a punk band

Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
Not really. I don’t think it will be by accident though

What is your most treasured memory?
Waking up on a beach

When did you last cry in front of another person?
In my teens, when she told me she was pregnant (it turned out not to be mine though)

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item.
Any camera, to start documenting the new life

Been caught stealing?

Best joke?
Two peanuts walk into a bar, one was a salted

When did you realise you were up to something different?
In elementary school, when I started skateboarding

Do you have any rituals?
Starbucks, sometimes twice a day

Who gave you your first break?
Still waiting for it!

Most discouraging moment?
Every time I talk to a girl!

First memorable subversive act?

First celeb crush?
Winnie Cooper

Do people in your neighbourhood know your name?
I just moved to a new city, so not yet

If you could master any craft what would it be?

As a teen what film or book had the biggest influence on you?

When you were a kid where was the first place you sneaked off to?
Random parking lots or beach lookouts

Do you prefer the past, present or future?

Growing up what was the most important record to you?
Misfits – Walk Among Us

Scan 2

If you could freeze time what would you while they slept?
Go to Disneyland

Who do you admire that’s under the radar?
Feature filmmakers using phones

Any vices?

Have you ever been fired?
Yes… the hotdog truck!

Scan 1-LO

How do you drink your coffee?

Last time you went to great lengths for lust?
Rented a car and drove four hrs, stayed two hours, drove back

What do you collect?

Last superstitious thing you’ve done?
No seatbelt

What should Obama’s last act of clemency be?
Arresting cops

What comes to mind you look at the images below?

Psychologists say this image is purposely confusing, but if you see monsters or men fighting it could indicate poor social development!

Psychologists say this image is purposely confusing, but if you see monsters or men fighting it could indicate poor social development!

Psychedelic shrimp dance

Stay tuned for more Spiel Sesh, coming soon. Next up, pro surfer Sterling Spencer.

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