Half Moon Run

Half Moon Run
Montreal & More — Half Moon Run share their hobbies and haunts, at home and on the road.

Half Moon Run’s stirring Canadian folk took them on an eighteen ­month tour after the international release of their critically acclaimed album Dark Eyes in July 2013. In HUCK 042, we caught up with the four­ piece as they returned to Montreal to play homecoming shows and got an insight into how the city has shaped them.

“Part of what makes the Montreal music scene so interesting is that there is such a wide variety of music and styles,” explains drummer and pianist Dylan who, like all four members of the band, contributes vocally to their folksy sound.

Here, the Montreal folksters share some of their favourite things from home and one the road.

Listen: Thus:Owls are an amazing new band in Montreal – half- Swedish, half-Canadian – that we have fallen in love with. They have a really unique style and only have a self-made EP but are definitely a band to watch.

Eat: Le Cagibi is an amazing vegan restaurant in Montreal that puts on all sorts of weird music nights and they sell good coffee too. There are some wild experimental music jams going on there. It’s a pretty special spot in the Mile End neighbourhood.

Eat again: Crudessence is another vegan restaurant in Montreal we love. They sell exclusively raw vegan food, and they do an incredible job. It’s absolutely our favourite restaurant in the city.

Read: Foodopoly is an interesting book about the food industry. There was an interview with the author, Wenonah Hauter, on NPR Radio and she spoke about how broken the food system is in the US – how every- thing is being run by the corporate world. She talks a lot about farming, and it’s super interesting. It is pretty scary that you never really know what you’re buying. Especially when you’re on the road in the US.

Kill time: Rubik’s cubes are our latest obsession on the road. Dylan solved his first cube the other day, and was so proud he took a picture to send to his mum, the same day we headlined Shepherd’s Bush Empire in London, so we had two achievements in one day.

Read the full story in HUCK 042.

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