Goodhood x Soulland

Goodhood x Soulland
In Conversation — Rad brands Goodhood x Soulland team up for a capsule collection inspired by 80s skate graphics and Oscar Wilde.

Classic cool Danish menswear label Soulland has teamed up with the elegant rad Goodhood Store, Shoreditch, for a high winter capsule collection inspired by 80s Powell skate graphics and Oscar Wilde.

Founders of Soulland and Goodhood respectively, Silas Adler and Kyle Stewart, both grew up as skateboarders and wanted to create something in the contemporary scene that paid homage to those nostalgic roots.

The Goodhood Store commissioned local artist Clara Lacey to illustrate the collection worn by old skate legends and the collection will be revealed for the first time at The Goodhood Store, 6pm, November 7, followed by an after party with Soulland x Goodhood at Common Bar.

To celebrate the launch, Huck asked the eclectic designers to send each other three questions each and this is what went down.


I almost got my ass kicked in a pub in Scotland once, but when they found out that I was from Denmark and not London (as they assumed) they started giving me pints and single malt. Do you think that Scots and Danes have special connection?
I definitely think there is a bit of shared blood. The habitat and architecture are quite similar, the stodgy food and the mind-bending tolerance for alcohol are pretty up there. I’d say through the medium of drink we have had some special moments.

What vinyl is most often on rotation at you house?
Neil Young Harvest gets quite a lot of vinyl time.

Rollerblades or scooters?
It’s got to be scooters… the fold-away ones. So you know you can scoot to work and then pack it up.


Please tell us a bit about your upbringing? I know you’re not Danish, where the hell are you from?
I’m a mad mix. I was born in the countryside in Denmark. My mother is from Sweden and Poland and my father (RIP) was from Tanzania. My great grandfather was a Muslim, my grandmother was Jewish, I was baptised in a protestant church and I believe in love, hashtags and my son more than any God (including Kanye West). I moved to Gothenburg in Sweden at the age of eight and was introduced to skateboarding. I moved to Copenhagen at twelve and was introduced to beer, weed and later Jacob [Kampp Berliner], who is my partner at Soulland.

Who’s good to follow on instagram?
I like @koolmoeleo, he posts old skate pics from skateboard magazines from the nineties; @ungstergram, he posts pictures of bums and drunks from Copenhagen; And @wavey_dada from the Supreme/Quartersnacks crew posts New York funny shit.

Miley Cyrus or Rihanna?
Riri no doubt!!!!! I can sing the lyrics to most Rihanna songs. I don’t know any Miley songs. I just did a karaoke duet of ‘Diamonds’ in Shanghai last week. Next-level shit!!!!

The Goodhood x Soulland collection will be available from The Goodhood Store, Coronet Street, Shoreditch, from November 8.

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