Five best photography zines

Five best photography zines
Happy zine month — Photocopy Club's Matt Martin selects his five favourite photography zines.

Photographer Matt Martin launched Photocopy Club to give young photographers a platform to show their work in the flesh without expensive print costs or needing gallery connections.

Photographers print their work on cheap photocopiers then submit to Matt for regular shows with a trademark black and white Xerox vibe.

Photocopy Club have just announced Zines of the World – Photo Edition with Doomed Gallery and as it’s zine month, what better opportunity to ask Matt to pull out his five favourite photo zines.

I’d Rather Drink Muddy Water and Sleep in a Hollow Log by Dash Snow

Dash Snow

This zine by Dash Snow is one of my all time favourites. I picked up this copy just before Dash died at Dash Wood Books in NYC. It’s signed and cost me $100. The zines that Dash made are some of the best I have ever seen.

Why Was She Grounded? by Francesca Jane Allen

Fancesca Allan

This is a zine we made for Francesca through the Photocopy Club. I have been a huge fan of her work for a long time and all though she mostly works in colour, it was really fun to bring this to the black and white format and make something really personal.

Endless Progress by Joe Skilton

Joe Skillton

Joe has always made the best zines. Small editions and mostly given out to friends. His photography always amazes me. He captures beautiful moments so effortlessly and his layouts and designs are always spot on.

Sandy Kim (self-titled)

sandy kim

This zine was put out through Hamburger eyes a few years ago. It’s really raw and is the perfect zine. Straight to the point and does what it says on the tin.

Stop Asking Me About Amy I Only Spent One Day With Her by Valerie Phillips


This zine was made by Valerie Phillips about half a year after Amy died. Valerie was getting phoned up by newspapers to get any information they could about Amy. She told them to piss off and then made this beautiful zine in memory of her. The zine is a beautiful insight into one day she spent photographing the singer and just shows how great a photographer Valerie is and how she can make anyone feel so comfortable in front of the camera.

Find out more about Photocopy Club and check out Zines of the World – Photo Edition at Doomed Gallery, July 23.




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