The Challenger's Almanac

The Challenger's Almanac
Disruptive DIY Advice — The Challenger's Almanac is a new annual publication that gives advice on how to slip big business and do creative things your own way.

The Challenger’s Almanac is a new annual – made by a passionate team in Cornwall whose own business experiences led them to seek out alternative inspirations – which provides insightful nuggets into the creative industry for the hungry young upstart and the established doer alike.

It features interviews with over 20 ‘challengers’ across the world – from the founder of prolific art and design hub It’s Nice That Will Hudson to craft beer subscription service top cat Matt Lane and every entrepreneur and DIYer along the way.

Focusing on independent individuals who have made their vision manifest, The Challenger’s Almanac is currently fundraising on Kickstarter to publish its first issue and build a foundation from which to keep the fire burning. We unearthed these key quotes to give you a taste of what to expect.

Locally Made Jeans

David Hieatt – Hiut Denim Co

“Entrepreneurs are freaks. They have something missing that allows them to be blinkered to what the world is telling them. They are not just risk takers, they are believers in the unproven, untested, and the unlikely. They are willing to trust their ideas when the crowd keeps telling them they are plain crazy. I know for me, I rely on optimism to get me through the day. I have trusted in it. I have relied on it. I have been guided by it. Sometimes it has been wrong. That said, it has been right more than it has ever been wrong.”

Hand-Crafted Tools

Ben Edmonds – Blok Knives

“There’s something very raw about making a knife. It’s back to basics. I don’t want to overcomplicate my production. I want to focus on making one thing and making it well. You’ll find the majority of makers take the same approach. Mastering one craft and sticking to it. I really hope more independent producers and makers keep popping up as we start to recognise the benefits and appreciate the quality of handmade items.”

Bold Beautiful Type

Jessica Hische – Illustrator and Letterer

“‘Procrastiwork’ is a term I made up to describe the work you do when you are putting off other work. Someone asked me to give one piece of advice for other designers and the advice I gave was, ‘The work you do when you’re procrastinating is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.’”

Spiky Brand Consultancy

Helen Redstone – eatbigfish

“So let’s start with ‘why’ your business exists. You already know this, but don’t be afraid to make it spikier. This is going to be tough, so why are you going to go through all that work and worry and heartache? Instead of beginning with all the lovely things; the excellent service, the smiley faces and the fluffy bunnies – why not write your manifesto by having a bit of a rant? Everyone can say they are for the niceties, but what are you against? What makes you angry? What do you hate? What do you feel so strongly about to make it all worthwhile?”

You can help bring the annual to life by visiting The Challenger’s Almanac Kickstarter page.

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