Alistair Woods

Alistair Woods
My Life in Analogue — The street is where Alistair Woods goes in search of the action, movement and chance that give his photographs life.

Alistair Woods has been fascinated with photography for as long as he can remember. Luckily, a family friend recognised his passion and gave him a collection of old cameras as a teenager which set in motion a love affair with analogue photography. Alistair’s search for spontaneous moments draws him to open spaces and into the throng of public life which give his photos the natural energy of great street photography.When and why did you start shooting pictures?

When and why did you start shooting pictures?
“I’ve been interested in photography as long as I can remember. I used to play with my Dad’s old camera as a kid. When I was about 14 or 15 some guy my Mum worked with wanted to get rid of all his old cameras to upgrade to digital. He knew I was into photography so gave me a bag full of his old film cameras and that’s when I started to take it more seriously as a medium.”

What is it you love about film photography?
“I love the journey you go on shooting film. From loading the film, shooting it, and the anticipation you get whilst you wait to see if you got the shot you were hoping for or not. I like that it makes you have to trust yourself. I love the look you get with it. It just has more of a soul then you get with digital photography. It reminds me of the photography I would always see when I was a kid. And I love chucking some earphones in and shutting myself away from everything and spending the day in the darkroom playing around to get that perfect print of a good flick.”

What are you passionate about – interests hobbies outside of photography – an how does this inform the images you take?
“I recently graduated from Leeds Met. Uni after studying Fine Art. I have a passion for anything creative, especially something with a really do-it-yourself, hands-on approach. I love music and I’m interested and inspired by a selection of underground subcultures. If I could afford to travel more, I would. It’s amazing to discover new places. I don’t know how much it directly informs my work but I just try to take photos of things that I find interesting or feel would make a good picture. It just happens that the things I’m interested in tend make good images.”

Who or what inspires your work? Any other photographers?
“I think photographers like William Eggleston, William Klein, Will Robson-Scott, Martin Parr, Richard Gilligan are incredible photographers. I also love found snapshot photography. I like to look at loads of different photographers but when it comes to my own photography I don’t tend to think of other photographers and just try to capture something that I think is interesting. It’s always quite a personal process and it’s just a bonus if others like it too.”

What do you do for a living and how does photography fit into your life?
“I’ve just moved back down South after finishing university and am looking for a proper job while I work in an office to try and save up cash. I always have to keep myself busy with either my assemblage, prints, collage or photography along with some other stuff so its hard trying to fit it all in being so busy. But I’m always carrying a camera, looking for a photo opportunity. Rather then cotching on the sofa, whenever I get some free time I like to go and do something in the hope that I’ll get some interesting photos while I’m out and about.”

How do you share your work? Zines, books, exhibitions, blog etc? And what’s the editing process like for you? Are you trying to tell stories with your images? What are those stories?
“I’ve recently sorted my own website out which I will update with new stuff here and there. Whenever I’m in an exhibition I always include some photography, but I would love to self publish a book one day.”

Are your photos staged/posed or documentary? Can you describe why you choose to shoot in this way?
“I’ve photographed models in the past in staged photos and I didn’t enjoy it anywhere near as much as I do taking a spontaneous photo of an interesting character or space in the street. It just feels more natural.”

If you had to take one photo that summed up your view on life, what would it capture?
“I really appreciate the British notion of making the best out of a bad situation. So the photo would probably be some friends sharing a joke at a wake in a social club.”

To see more of Alistair’s work check out his website.

Huck partnered up with Lomography to run MY LIFE IN ANALOGUE, a project celebrating analogue photographers from around the world. The competition is now closed, but stay locked to the Huck website for a hand picked selection of our favourite photographers and their amazing work.

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